The ALADIN classification consists of letters and numbers representing main subject category, secondary subject, and author’s name. You will find a basic DDC classification at the end of this chapter.Įach of the main subject categories on the ALADIN list of subject terms include a corresponding three-letter code: ALADIN recommends using the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). To organize books on general subjects such as Arts, Culture, Religion, Science etc. It provides means to organize and group together books on the same subject, however it addresses only areas related to adult education and learning. This section of the ALADIN Toolkit provides an outline of a simple ALADIN classification system that can be used in and adopted to specific needs of your centre.
Useful and practical information on how to organize your collection of materials can be found in the Healthlink Worldwide Resource Center Manual that we recommend. If you need more terms, ALADIN links you to three other tools (Thesauri) where you can find more keywords: the UNESCO Thesaurus and the Canadian Literacy Thesaurus. In our example, the book on family literacy may also include articles on health education so Health education should also be selected as a keyword. You should choose the most relevant keywords remember that you are not limited to the keywords listed under the specific category - select an appropriate keyword from any place in the list - as long as they are relevant to your book. For example, a book on family literacy that includes general articles, case studies, information about specific programmes and some statistics would be assigned to the LITERACY category and described by the following keywords: Family literacy Case study Literacy programmes Literacy statistics. Each book should be assigned only ONE major category, but you can choose as many keywords as needed. Each of the subject categories includes also a list of keywords that further describe the content of your book. Select those that are relevant to your own collection. Your collection may not necessarily have resources in all these areas. It consists of a list of major subject categories that may be represented in your collection. The next tool is a basic list of ALADIN subject categories and keywords. Using a strict classification scheme ensures that books on the same subject stand next to each other. You will find a basic ALADIN classification, which serves as a guideline on how you could organize information on the book shelves. This section of the Toolkit addresses the subject of cataloguing.

For practical information on how to organize and describe books, refer to the Healthlink Worldwide Resource Center Manual, an ALADIN-recommended training manual. and subject cataloguing - analysing the content or determining what a book is about. There are two aspects of cataloguing: descriptive cataloguing - recording basic details about a book or other source of information such as author's name, publishing information, date etc. Cataloguing allows us to organize our resources in a logical way, make them easy to find, and provide record of what we have.